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Why Volunteer?

  • Use your talents and skills to help others and make this world a better place

We are fortunate to live in the United States with access to good healthcare and nutrition and with plenty of opportunities to develop our skills and talents. In many parts of the world, people suffer needlessly due to lack of adequate affordable medical care. By helping these people, we enable them to become more productive and benefit their entire communities. We generate a lot of goodwill both for ourselves and for our nation and do our part to reduce the potential for conflict in the world.

  • Connect with others

The most human of emotions is empathy - the ability to connect with others on a basic level and feel and understand what they experience. When you see someone suffering needlessly how can you not be moved to help? Volunteering at Surgery OverSeas keeps you connected with like minded professionals all dedicated and working to achieve the same goal.

  • New Experiences

Travel abroad and witness how poor people in less developed countries really live.  This brings a new awareness and humility that few tourists experience

  • Good for your mind and body

Volunteering  gives you a sense of achievement and can bring fun and fulfillment into your life. One of the true paths to lasting happiness, according to both ancient wisdom and the modern science of positive psychology, is to find a purpose greater than yourself.

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