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Why Donate?

  • Your entire donation will be used to provide for the care and support of our patients. None of your donation will be used to cover travel expenses or salaries or other overhead.

Surgery OverSeas is a nonprofit organization and in this organization there are no paid positions. We do not rent office space - we meet at our homes or workplaces to plan or coordinate a mission trip or to organize fundraisers. Our volunteers are not paid by us. On mission trips, they use their own vacation time from their regular jobs and pay their own international and local airfare and other travel expenses. We use donated medical supplies and equipment wherever possible. To cover the gap between donated supplies and what we need, many of our volunteers have paid for supplies using their own money. With your donation we can purchase more medical supplies and other essentials and care for more patients.

  • You can make a big difference in someone's life - someone like Adelina from the Philippines.

She came to us with two massive external jaw tumors and an internal tumor in the floor of her mouth. This was not only extremely disfiguring,  she was having difficulty eating and swallowing. One of the tumors broke the left side of her jaw and the tumor on her right side was breaking through the skin which would have left her with an open wound and left her unable to eat or swallow. Adelina was embarrassed to be seen in her village. Her inability to eat properly left her thin and frail. Due to her surgery she is smiling, eating, and talking and Adelina is one of the bravest people we know. Many  people we offer our services to have problems of the same magnitude as Adelina and with your donations we will be able to help the many others that are in need of medical care.

  • You can help extend our mission to more patients and more countries

SOS has been successfully making trips to the Philippines since 2010. There are approximately thirty volunteers, including surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, surgical techs and processing techs that use their vacation time and pay for their airfare to make these missions possible.  On every mission trip, we always have to turn away hundreds of patients who need our care because of lack of resources. You can help us increase the number of indigent patients we are able to handle. Our other aspirations are to increase the length of our mission trips and to expand our operations to other less developed countries.  You can make this a reality.

Thank you for considering a donation to SOS Mission. Your support helps us to provide medical care to the poor and underserved, allows us to continue our medical missions abroad and supports our administrative functions that are essential to carrying out our mission.

Many  organizations will match charitable contributions made by their employees. Please check with the Human Resources department of the organization you work at to see if they will match your contribution to Surgery Overseas.


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